Challenger is a Top Fleet Employer for the second consecutive year! We’re very proud of this achievement and opportunity to showcase our commitment to our people and to our culture.


Trucking HR Canada states that “Thirty-nine of the best workplaces in Canada’s trucking industry have earned honours through the 3rd annual Top Fleet Employers program Trucking HR Canada has announced. Fleets of every size were rated on topics including employee recognition, compensation, lifestyle, employee engagement, wellness, professional development, recruitment and retention.” Angela Splinter, chief executive officer of Trucking HR Canada elaborates, “These 39 fleets demonstrate a commitment to effective human resources approaches, and all have best practices to share. These fleets are leading by example, and we commend them for their leadership in demonstrating that the trucking industry offers great places to work”. (Read more at

What makes Challenger a Top Fleet Employer? Our people, our training and our culture. Challenger celebrates over 40 years.  We put our people first and continue to improve and grow by challenging ourselves every day. Our Vison, Mission and Values are posted in many different areas of our facilities and we truly live by them and incorporate in our company culture. We are also committed to our industry, environmental and social responsibilities as a company. At Challenger we are making it happen and going the distance each and every day.

Congratulations to all of the 2016 Top Fleet Employers and to Tucking HR Canada for making this event happen every year. This is truly a chance for all of us in the industry to continue to challenge ourselves improve and to look at innovative ways to support our people and help them realize their potential.

Geoff Topping
Senior Director of HR