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14 Avr, 2016

Challenger at Truck World


Truck World: April 14-16 CANADA'S NATIONAL TRUCK SHOW TRUCK WORLD IS HAPPENING NOW! If you are interested in the trucking, transportation, supply chain, distribution, and logistics industries, you should be at Truck World, happening this Thursday through Saturday. Come visit the company that goes the distance for your career at booth #2552. [...]

Challenger at Truck World2017-09-15T17:13:59-04:00
28 Mar, 2016

Volvo steering shaft recall replacement completed at Challenger


  With a tremendous amount of coordination and effort from our dedicated team at Challenger, and the ongoing support of Volvo, all of our impacted units from a recent steering shaft recall are now fully operational after receiving the necessary authorized repairs.  This was a proactive measure from Volvo and we took immediate action to [...]

Volvo steering shaft recall replacement completed at Challenger2016-06-23T16:18:13-04:00
4 Mar, 2016

Wide-Load and Alternate Motorist Detours


Due to a severe rock slide on or around February 29th a portion of the I-75 will be closed for roughly 2-3 weeks as they do road cleanup, maintenance and rock blasting according to the T-DOT website. A detoured route has been assigned to commercial motor vehicles. Southbound lanes are expected to re-open in about [...]

Wide-Load and Alternate Motorist Detours2017-09-15T17:13:59-04:00
2 Fév, 2016

Challenger figure parmi les meilleurs transporteurs pour lesquels travailler en 2016 (2016 Best Fleets to Drive For)


  Réalisé par CarriersEdge, en collaboration avec la Truckload Carriers Association, le sondage et concours annuel Best Fleets to Drive For® permet de déterminer les transporteurs qui offrent la meilleure expérience de travail à leurs conducteurs. Challenger est fière d’annoncer qu’elle établit une norme d’excellence au sein de l’industrie et qu’elle a été reconnue comme l’un des [...]

Challenger figure parmi les meilleurs transporteurs pour lesquels travailler en 2016 (2016 Best Fleets to Drive For)2017-09-15T17:13:59-04:00
11 Jan, 2016

Ontario’s Nipigon River bridge fails, severing Trans-Canada Highway

2016-03-18T12:10:04-04:00 East-West Travel Shut Down as Trans-Canada Closed After Bridge Failure: Message from Ontario Trucking Association The newly constructed Nipigon River Bridge on Highway 11/17 in northern Ontario is closed for “an indefinite time due to mechanical issues,” according to the Ontario Provincial Police. Several media reports suggest the bridge – located 100 kilometres northeast [...]

Ontario’s Nipigon River bridge fails, severing Trans-Canada Highway2016-03-18T12:10:04-04:00
1 Déc, 2015

Augmentation Tarifaire 2016


  Augmentation Tarifaire de 5.4% À compter du premier trimestre de 2016, Challenger appliquera une hausse de tarif de 5,4 % sur tous les services. Challenger s’engage à maintenir l’excellence de son niveau de service de même que de relever les défis de tous nos clients, ceci en étant fiable, sécuritaire ainsi que d’être responsable de [...]

Augmentation Tarifaire 20162017-09-15T17:14:03-04:00
16 Nov, 2015

Are you a Customer of Choice?


The Ontario Trucking Association recently completed Operation Upgrade – a six-month campaign to find out how truck drivers are treated at shipping and receiving facilities and measure their level of satisfaction with their carriers’ customers. Click here to read Are you a Customer of Choice? “We asked drivers to speak up about what they were [...]

Are you a Customer of Choice?2017-09-15T17:14:03-04:00
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